August 2, 2014


On the Occasion of her 40th Birthday....

Twenty years.  That's how long Sue and I have been friends.  That's half of our lives.  A true Renaissance woman, Sue seems to have the golden touch in everything she does: teaching, cooking, art, photography, fashion - all of that, and she's beautiful, too.  But I think it's her core values that are her biggest achievement.  She is a hub of reason and stillness, somehow making sense of this often crazy world we live in.  She is daring and courageous, brilliant and funny, kind and sensitive, honest and loving.  All the characteristics I admire in a human. 

Over these twenty years, we've shared too-many-to-count wine induced cries, infinite laughter, philosophical talks on just about everything, analytical discussions on the men in our lives, and many a delicious meal together, mostly a result of her impressive culinary talents.  On occasion, we have even gotten ourselves into trouble...savory-spicy moments that only we know about.  Alas, some stories are too good to tell.  From the mundane to the esoteric, Sue can talk about anything and, by the end of the conversation, have you believing it and loving it - whatever "it" is.  I sometimes crave her company, like a bold and juicy Napa wine, and with the first sip, the flavor is rich and surprising and always satisfying.  She keeps on getting better.

Oh sure, we've had our small share of disagreements - how could two strong minded women not?   But those caveats have become the very foundation that shores up our growing tower of support and love for each other.  Women distinguish themselves from men in this way.

I love her infinitely: For the woman she has been, for the woman she is today, and for the woman she is still yet to become.  For all the ways she celebrates each moment of life and for her deep insight that I sometimes lack.  She so often shows me the way.  I occasionally wonder how and why she puts up with my quirks and sometimes naïve questioning of the world and the people in it.  But like ying and yang, I realize we just fit and then I stop wondering.  Some friendships are not deserving of  dissection. 

Khalil Gibran said, "In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.  For in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."

Happy Birthday, my friend.


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